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The Fun Stuff

Some YOU KNOW THAT YOU’RE A MAGICIAN WHEN...(copied from all over the internet)

You worry about spending certain change in your pocket.

You bottom deal when playing Go Fish.

You carry 6 decks on you.

You have a deck of cards, some half dollars, or some quarters within arms reach of the toilet.

You have nightmares about hecklers.

You have to take Loops off your wrist before getting in the shower.

You forget you are wearing a TT until you realize that you can’t type correctly.

You have your local magic shop on speed dial.

It is hard for you to say the numbers 1, 11, 12, 13, and 14 but you CAN say Ace, Jack, Queen, and King.

The only unbent forks in your house are plastic.

You sneeze and immediately produce a Kleenex.

You get emotional when shuffling a new deck.

You are scared to invite any layman friends over in fear of them seeing one of your gimmicks that are lying around.

You can't find one of your cards, and it's in a guy's pocket across the room

You spend $20 for a half dollar

A Bike to you is a deck of cards

All your bottles of water have the caps inside the bottle

Your left hand is constantly in a mechanics grip, even without cards

You have more decks of cards than you've had hot dinners

People stop lending you money, or borrowing it due to the fact you can never quite give it back to them

You perform one handed cuts that you can't remember doing

You tenkai palm a pop tart

You have an ace of spades taped to the back window of your car.

You’re looking for your cards on the ceiling at the mall.

You can't go out in public without being asked to Levitate.

All your pocket change is bent.

Your friends watch their forks as they eat in front of you.

You always have flash paper in your wallet.

You've opened a can of soup and found someone's signed dollar.

The term "cups and balls" doesn't make you snicker

You have a chip in your tooth from biting the wrong quarter

Everything you see makes you think of how to vanish, palm or produce it

You get emotional when you have to throw away a deck of cards

You never throw old decks away because "I can make something out of it"

You decide what clothes to buy based on how many props you can carry

You have a problem counting four cards.

You fear metal detectors.

You watch intently whenever there's someone playing cards in a film, just to see if they're using a Bicycle deck

You take out a deck of cards and all your friends run out of the room, screaming.

You always walk around with three different decks of cards in your pockets because each one is set up for a different trick.

You pull the four aces out of the deck, only to lose them back into the deck, just so you can find them again!

Instead of just spreading four cards and showing that there are four – you count them!

You refer to everyday objects as "ordinary".

You can have a heated debate whether is pronounced "Day" or "Die".

You have more than a dozen open decks of cards and cartons of unopened ones.

You accidentally do a double while playing "Go Fish!”
You are the only one that can have fun with a Blank Deck.

Every coin that you receive gets "accidentally" palmed.

You have 101 retorts for the question "How did you do that?"

You have a dog named "Houdini".

Someone asks you for your card you give them the Ace of Spades.

You have never been to the loony bin, yet you own a straight jacket.

No one will play cards with you.

The oldest deck of cards in use in your possession was purchased a week ago and you're ready to toss it.

The thought of bending or writing on a playing card doesn't throw you for a loop anymore.

It matters to you how someone shuffles your deck.

You back-palm your movie ticket and produce it out of thin air.

Someone asks for a piece of rope, and you pull one from your pocket.

You pay more for blank cards than those that are printed

The Raven to you is not a bird.

When you play the game "cheat" YOU ACTUALLY CHEAT!

All your coins are signed by other people.

You shuffle a deck of cards and none of them change order.

After viewing magic on TV, everyone in the room looks at you asks, "How'd they do that?" And, all you do is smile and say, "It's really easy if you think about it, but magicians can tell." And you're really thinking "How the heck did they do that?"

You can say with full honesty that you handle a bike better than Lance Armstrong.

You shake a persons hand with your electric touch on without noticing.

Instead of asking someone for the time, you just steal their watch.

Asked to shuffle the cards, you have to stop and think how to do a real shuffle

Some Fun Links

The Ammar Facts
The Thumbanator